A kind of Magic.

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Made with passion

"A World Of Foosball" is my first game for mobile, at the moment only available for Android (temporarily unavailable).
My idea was simple "Where can I put a real foosball table in my house?" and the answer was "Nowhere, buy a new house!". So before start looking for a new home I tried to make it real on my mobile device. I started developing it with only one vision in mind: "Enjoy the player", so maybe I took a direction less towards realism but trying to give a unique appeal and some action. Hope you enjoy it!

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A World Of Foosball

Available for Android on Google Play Store


Choose the best strategy against your opponents. They know well how protect a score. Be dynamic with formation modules, don't be lazy.


The best way to know this World is travelling. Feel new cultures.
Anyway you are not a turist, so go to the field and show your strenght.


Personality? Do you have any? Don't be shy, win with class. Everybody loves style. Is yours mad enough?


Winning is cool but as you will see it will become harder during time. Do not let your opponents to be faster then you. Keep the eyes on the ball.

A kind of Magic.

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What's Next?

At this point A World Of Foosball is near 50 percent of contents. Last update added 20 Club Teams; next will add new Abilities, new Locations Around the World, a lot of mini-games in the Academy, Multiplayer Online, Joypad support and many other Prizes for you.

While still working on my Foosball game, I'm studying three Game Designs for next games. I have in mind an Action Free Roaming, a 2.5D Fantasy and a 2.5D WW2 Shooter with RTS elements. But still to decide the first. So, in the while, play my game and keep in touch!

A World Of Foosball

Available for Android on Google Play Store